Mens Health

Men’s Health Services in Sunshine

  • Men’s health checks
  • Injury management
  • Mental health care plans
  • Immunotherapies
  • Iron Infusions
  • Sexual Health
  • Prostate checks
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • STI checks
  • Wrinkle treatments
  • Patient Education

Discussion of gender in the last half-century has often been characterised by a polarisation of the sexes; making it very difficult to engage with issues of vital importance to healthy interpersonal and social relationships.

Gender ideology – and reactions against it, all too often have not only curtailed possibilities of dialogue and reason but have sidelined crucial informative evidence. We recognise the need to pursue a different approach to gender issues – with a focus on the male gender – men and boys; Central Health Clinic doctors understand that men have specific health issues which can vary with different stages of life.

Consultations are conducted in a confidential and private consulting room and may cover health screening, prostate checks, blood screening, blood pressure checks and sexual health checks. Our doctors conduct preventative health checks and provide education to suit each patient’s individual needs. If you have several medical concerns that require a more in-depth appointment, please discuss them with your doctor/receptionists as you may require a long consultation (30 minutes).


Men's Health Checkups in Sunshine